Setting up a Virtualhost for your site

To set up a Virtualhost for Elefant development on your desktop, you can use the following steps:

Mac OS X

  1. Create a folder for the site in your Sites folder. Let's call it mytestsite.

  2. Edit the file /etc/hosts and add this line: www.mytestsite.lo

Note: .lo represents a local site in this example. It's a simple convention that helps you quickly see that you're on your local development machine.

  1. Edit your Apache configuration (/etc/apache2/users/me.conf where me is your username) and add:
NameVirtualHost www.mytestsite.lo

<VirtualHost www.mytestsite.lo>
    DocumentRoot /Users/me/Sites/mytestsite
    ServerName www.mytestsite.lo
  1. Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart

You should now be able to go to http://www.mytestsite.lo/ and see an empty Apache site directory if all went well.


This assumes you've installed Apache, PHP, and MySQL via the WAMP server platform.

  1. Create a folder for the site in your C:wampwww folder. Let's call it mytestsite.

  2. Edit the file C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts and add this line: www.mytestsite.lo

Note: .lo represents a local site in this example. It's a simple convention that helps you quickly see that you're on your local development machine.

  1. Edit your Apache configuration and uncomment this line (remove the # to uncomment):

    Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Now open the file C:wampinpacheApache2.2.21confextrahttpd-vhosts.conf and add:

NameVirtualHost www.mytestsite.lo

<VirtualHost www.mytestsite.lo>
    DocumentRoot ""C:/wamp/www/mytestsite""""
    ServerName www.mytestsite.lo
  1. Restart Apache via the WAMP menu.

You should now be able to go to http://www.mytestsite.lo/ and see an empty Apache site directory if all went well.

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