
Elefant comes with Analog, a very concise and easily extensible logging library. You'll find it under lib/vendor.

To use the default logging (to a temp file named analog.txt in the folder specified by sys_get_temp_dir()), simply use it anywhere in your app like this:


// Log an error
Analog::log ('Some message');


You can also specify the error level:


// Debug something...
Analog::log ('Debug output', Analog::DEBUG);


Custom logging configurations

You may want to implement a custom logging engine that's accessible across your whole Elefant instance. For example, say you want to log to a MongoDB database. For this, create a file named bootstrap.php in your site root (for more on this file, see Global configurations) with the following code:


Analog::handler (AnalogHandlerMongo::init (
    MongoManager::get_connection (), // connection object
    conf ('Mongo', 'name'), // database name
    'log' // collection name


Now any time you call Analog::log() in your apps, the output will be saved to a MongoDB collection named log with the fields machine, date, level, and message.

Note: Be sure to set your MongoDB connection info in conf/config.php.

Analog provides a dozen different logging handlers itself, and you can write your own as easy as this:


Analog::handler (function ($info) {
    // format the info and pass it to error_log()
    error_log (vsprintf (Analog::$format, $info));


Debugging AJAX/REST APIs with FirePHP

RESTful APIs that are accessed via JavaScript can be a challenge to debug on their own. Tools like FirePHP exist to help with this by forwarding logging messages to the browser's debugging console via HTTP headers.

Elefant can be configured to work with FirePHP by adding the following to your bootstrap.php configuration file:


Analog::handler (AnalogHandlerFirePHP::init ());


Now any call to Analog::log('some text'); will be sent to FirePHP.

For additional help on debugging and error handling, see Error handling, debugging, and reporting.

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