Custom user authentication

Elefant supports pluggable authentication schemes through the Controller's require_auth() method. It also provides a few built-in schemes for easier use in building RESTful APIs, including HTTP Basic and HMAC.


To implement the HMAC built-in handler, use:


$this->require_auth (userAuthHMAC::init (
    $this,      // Controller
    $memcache,  // Memcache
    3600        // Timeout

// User has been authorized via HMAC, let's continue
$this->restful (new MyRestfulClass ());


Custom handlers

To implement custom authentication in a handler, here's the most basic structure:


$this->require_auth (
    function ($user, $pass) {
        // verify the username and password here
        // and return true or false, for example:

        if ($user === 'steve' && $pass === 'secret') {
            return true;
        return false;
    function ($callback) {
        // here you communicate with the client
        // for example, HTTP Basic works like this:

        if (! isset ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || ! call_user_func ($callback, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
            header ('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""This Website""');
            header ('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
            return false;
        return true;

// carry on with your authenticated handler


These two callback functions are used in the following manner:

verifier(user, pass) -> bool

This function takes a username/password combo and checks if it's valid. Where it determines that info is completely up to you.

method(callback) -> bool

This function takes the verifier function as a callback. Its job is to provide the method or protocol support.

In HTTP Basic, that means checking for the $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] values, passing them to the verifier, and on failure returning the necessary HTTP headers.

In the case of cookie-based authentication, it initializes the session, passes the username/password values from $_POST to the verifier if those are set, and if not then it verifies the session cookie if present.

require_auth() takes these functions and combines them like this:

return call_user_func ($method, $verifier);

How you call the verifier from your method function is up to you. For examples on implementing your own custom authentication, see apps/user/models/User.php which implements both of these methods, and the classes in apps/user/lib/Auth as well.

As you can see, implementing your own authentication scheme using this technique is powerful, but straightforward and easy.

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