"Configuring Facebook

-Twitter,-and-Google-logins","Elefant's user app supports logins via Facebook, Twitter, Google, and OpenID. To enable these, you need to edit the file apps/user/conf/config.php in a couple places:

Choosing your login methods

; You can enable or disable alternative login methods here.
; Each name corresponds to a handler in apps/user/handlers/login.

login_methods[] = openid
login_methods[] = google
;login_methods[] = twitter
;login_methods[] = facebook

Uncomment or comment out the login methods shown above to enable or disable them.

Note: Google and OpenID don't require any further configuration, but you'll need to follow the steps below for Facebook and Twitter support.

Configuring Facebook login support

Visit https://developers.facebook.com/apps and register your website as a Facebook app. Make sure you enter the correct domain for your site, since Facebook will only allow authentication and perform the necessary callback request to this domain.

This will generate application_id and application_secret values on Facebook. Copy and paste them into the section below:


; To enable Facebook login support, register your site at
; https://developers.facebook.com/apps to generate the following
; values for your site.

application_id = """"
application_secret = """"

Configuring Twitter login support

Visit https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new and register your website with Twitter. This will generate consumer_key and consumer_secret values on Twitter. Copy and paste them into the section below:


; To enable Twitter login support, register your site at
; https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new to generate the following
; values for your site.

consumer_key = """"
consumer_secret = """"

Save the apps/user/conf/config.php file and you should see your chosen login methods in the user sidebar block on your site.

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