Environment variables

Elefant can read its settings from environment variables, which can be useful for containerizing your Elefant app deployments. These settings by default include:

  • ELEFANT_ENV - The base configuration file to load for the current environment
  • ELEFANT_DB_DRIVER - The database driver to use (e.g., sqlite, mysql)
  • ELEFANT_DB_FILE - The database file to read from (for SQLite)
  • ELEFANT_DB_HOST - The database host to connect to
  • ELEFANT_DB_NAME - The database name to connect to
  • ELEFANT_DB_USER - The database user to connect as
  • ELEFANT_DB_PASS - The password of the user to connect to the database as
  • ELEFANT_TIMEZONE - The timezone of the site
  • ELEFANT_UDATES - Whether to check for Elefant updates in the Elefant admin toolbar
  • ELEFANT_SITE_KEY - A unique private key for CSRF token verification
  • ELEFANT_SESSION_NAME - What to name session cookies
  • ELEFANT_SESSION_HANDLER - Set the backend session storage handler
  • ELEFANT_SESSION_DOMAIN - The domain to limit session cookies to
  • ELEFANT_SESSION_DURATION - The lifetime of a session cookie

If your environment variables are named differently, you can modify the conf/envmap.php file to specify alternate environment variable names to look for. For example, to read your database host name from MYSQL_HOST, you would edit the following line:


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